
Showing posts from September, 2018

Example - miniblink on Pixracer

I have created my new repo pixracer-examples in the hope I'll find a time to create as much as possible examples for Pixracer. For now, I've created miniblink. Link to repo: Editor: Visual Studio Code (include building and debugging config) Debugger: Black Magic Probe

Config for VS Code debugger and Black Magic Probe + Pixracer

Maybe you like VSC but you don't know how to config. I have tried many different configs and find out this work best for me. I have tested it with miniblink from libopencm3 . Configuration: { "version" :  "0.2.0" , "configurations" : [ { "name" :  "(gdb) Launch" , "type" :  "cppdbg" , "request" :  "launch" , "miDebuggerPath" :  "arm-none-eabi-gdb" , "targetArchitecture" :  "arm" , "program" :  "${workspaceFolder}/miniblink.elf" , "args" : [], "stopAtEntry" :  false , "cwd" :  "${workspaceRoot}" , "environment" : [], "externalConsole" :  true , "MIMode" :  "gdb" , "setupCommands" : [ {  "text"  :  "target extended-remote /dev/ttyACM0" }, {  "text"  :  "monitor tpwr