Upgrade Taranis with RG405

If you are planning to replace the original antenna in Taranis don't use RG178 or RG316. There is a much better solution! The RG405. RG405 is designed to go up to 40 GHz while RG178 and RG316 are labeled up to 3 GHz. With that in mind be sure that RG405 will perform much better at the 2.4 GHz at what Taranis radio operates. If you don't believe check it for your self: https://www.pasternack.com/images/ProductPDF/RG178B-U.pdf https://www.pasternack.com/images/productpdf/rg316-u.pdf https://www.pasternack.com/images/ProductPDF/PE-SR405TN.pdf In this datasheet, there is only 1 GHz test that we can use to compare cables. Here is the table: Name Max freqency[GHz] Attenuation at 1 GHz [dB/100m] RG178 3 145.7 RG316 3 124.67 RG405 40 72.18 From the table, you can see how RG405 has much less attenuation at 1 GHz then RG178 and RG316. Less attenuation and Teflon...